105 Tons of Sorghum available for bids now!
Colorado Correctional Industries (CCi Farm) located in Canon City, CO. has 105 tons of Sorghum in 3x4 square bales that are stored under a roof. You must fill out and submit a bid packet by October 10th, 2023 no later than 4:00pm. To get a bid packet and analysis results please contact Annie Morton by phone: 719-240-2846 or email: annie.morton@state.co. us
The Sorghum is sold in minimum quantity of 5 tons. You may also contact James Grisenti by phone: 719-429-0498 or email: james.grisenti@state.co.us with any other questions.
We reserve the right to refuse any or all bids if it is deemed to be in the best interest of Colorado Correctional Industries.